My sims 3 cc folder
My sims 3 cc folder

To have a toddler sit on a Sim's lap, select the toddler then click on a Sim who is sitting down and an interaction "Sit on" shall appear. Pets is required for this interaction to work. What's this mod about? - This is a mod that allows toddlers to sit on Sims' laps while they are sitting on a sofa/chair. It can work in the Overrides or Packages folder. What type of mod is this? - This a Tuning/Override mod, making the original Pets interaction to sit on Sims available for toddlers too.

my sims 3 cc folder

This mod was built and tested with game version 1.69, but should work with v.1.67 as well.

my sims 3 cc folder

This mod lets toddlers spend even more quality time with their parents and/or siblings! Your couch potato toddlers will very much appreciate this new interaction. Humongous thanks to MissPat for giving me feedback and ideas during the development of this mod!

My sims 3 cc folder